A Joe Biden Administration would have to decide to what extent to unpick the major United States trade policy shifts of the last four years. A quick return to comprehensive trade talks with the European Union is unlikely...
My book review for El Pais. The death of truth – notes on falsehood in the age of Trump” by Michiko Kakutani is a lucid account of how Western societies are losing their consensus on what is true and what is false – with...
The UK paper should be seriously considered. While it breaks a number of European red-lines, it is also an attempt to solve some issues. The question is whether the EU will be ready to seriously negotiate. Geo-strategic ...
Der deutsche Kapitalstock schrumpft. Das liegt zum einen an sinkenden Investitionen von Unternehmen. Eine Reform der Unternehmensteuer könnte helfen. This opinion piece was published in Handelsblatt. Deutschland benötigt...
As global trade war continues to unfold, I discuss in this podcast with Bernd Lange MEP and chair of the Committee on International Trade (INTA) of the European Parliament. Bernd Lange expresses his optimism that the EU ...
This opinion was published in Intereconomics, Volume 53, March/April 2018, Number 2 · pp. 50-51, here is the link. It was also published in Caixin-Chinese and Caixin-English and a shorter version in Nikkei Veritas. Steve...
I host a discussion with Bruegel fellows Alicia García-Herrero and André Sapir on where Europe will position itself between the two major trading powers of China and the United States if relations continue to cool....
This opinion piece was published by Nikkei Veritas, Nikkei, Il Sole 24 Ore, and other newspapers. The U.S. and Europe are more than allies. They share a long-standing and multifaceted partnership. And the future of U.S.-...