This opinion piece was published in Caixin and Caixin(English). Jamaica has failed: the negotiations to form a new government in Germany by the so-called “Jamaica” partners, named after the colours of the parties that a...
This opinion piece was published on Politico, La Republicca, Die Zeit, Kathimerini, and others. As always, the respective titles in the newspapers were NOT drafted by me. European Commission president Jean Claude Juncker...
This policy brief was first published on It is widely covered in the press. The issue Two diametrically opposed visions of the euro-area architecture have been put forward. European Commission president Jean...
This post studies why wages in Germany have not borne strong increases despite a relatively strong labour market. I list four reasons why announcing the death of the Phillips curve – the negative relationship between une...
My interview is here. “L’impasse nella formazione governativa in Germania potrebbe portare a una paralisi in campo europeo e a congelare (blow back) le riforme strutturali proposte dal presidente francese Emmanuel Macr...