(Auch auf Deutsch auf Makronom) When created two decades ago, the euro immediately became the world’s second most important currency. But it has remained a distant second to the US dollar. Its internationalisation peaked...
A Joe Biden Administration would have to decide to what extent to unpick the major United States trade policy shifts of the last four years. A quick return to comprehensive trade talks with the European Union is unlikely...
This opinion post was originally published in Les Echos. L’adoption des technologies IA repose moins sur des scientifiques de haut niveau que sur des spécialistes des données et des programmeurs compétents qui peuv...
This opinion piece has previously been published in El Pais, Il Sole, Rezpospolita, Le Monde, Helsingin Sanomat, Nikkei Veritas and FAZ. The European Union recovery fund could greatly increase the stability of the bloc a...
This blog post was first published by www.bruegel.org However intelligent artificial intelligence might be, it still relies on qualified humans, of which there is a notable lack in the European Union. In 2019, German fir...
This was published on Brink. The dominance of Chinese state-owned enterprises in China’s domestic market is giving them unfair advantages in the European Union single market as well. The EU Commission recently re...
This article was first published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in German, Friday 29 May 2020. The ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court (GFCC) of May 5 on the ECB’s monetary policy affects not only the re...
This opinion piece was originally published in Le Monde and in Il Sole 24 Ore. Illuminated open signs are going out all over Europe, some will not be lit again in our life-time. Many however will reignite, but only thank...
This op-ed was first published in NZZ. Die Coronavirus Pandemie und die Maßnahmen zu ihrer Bekämpfung haben zu dem größten weltweiten Wirtschaftsabschwung seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg geführt. Unternehmen, private Haushal...