This Blueprint offers an in-depth analysis of inequalities of income and wealth in the EU, as well as their causes and consequences. How evenly are the benefits of growth distributed in our economies, and what does this ...
Follow my debate with FT editor Lionel Barber, Whitehall editor James Blitz and MEP Sylvie Goulard on Brexit and its consequences for the UK and the EU. Chaired by Maria Demertzis of Bruegel. ...
Theresa May’s recently announced that she will trigger Article 50 no later than March 2017. Guntram Wolff debriefs May’s speech and the implications for the future of EU-UK relations. This op-ed was orignally...
This text was published in Manager Magazin. Debatte über die EZB ja – aber bitte sachlich Die EZB reagiert mit ihrer Geldpolitik nur auf die schwache wirtschaftliche Lage. Sie ist nicht dafür zuständig, für hohe R...
Travaux de Commission – Groupe de suivi sur le retrait du Royaume-Uni Table ronde avec la Fondation Robert Schuman, l’Institut Bruegel et l’Institut Montaigne 27 Septembre 2016 – Senat, Paris Link video. ——&#...
The proposal for a Continental Partnership (CP) has received a great deal of attention. Two of the authors, André Sapir and Guntram Wolff, clarify some misunderstandings and respond to five key criticisms. They argue tha...
This paper is a background note for a presentation at the Informal ECOFIN meeting of EU finance ministers and central bank governors in Bratislava on September 9, 2016. policy contribution, summary sent to ministers, spe...